Senior Years is a vibrant yet focused area of our college. Students have significant choice regarding their senior school program, including VCE, VCE VM (Vocational Major) and VPC. Students are provided with intensive career counselling to help them make the most informed choice about their selections and future options.
In Year 10, students begin to have even more choice around their learning. Students have the option to engage in a VCE subject to give them the chance to enhance their senior school results, or a VET subject to commence a TAFE certificate of their choice.* Year 10 students also have the option to complete work experience, have mock interviews with real industry personnel, and take on a range of leadership roles.
In completing their VCE studies, students undertake six subjects in Year 11, with English compulsory and Mathematics highly recommended. In Year 12, students continue with five of their subjects, all of which have external examinations. At Maffra Secondary College, students have a collective formal English lecture once a week to enhance their learning, which is in addition to the prescribed 3.5 hours of English classroom curriculum.
Our VCE VM program offers students, whom are looking at an apprenticeship or trade, the opportunity to take a practical approach to their learning. Students spend 3 days a week engaged in formal schooling (including English and Maths), one day of TAFE and one day of work experience. Our VCE VM program has a very high level of integrity and accountability, which ensures we maintain strong credibility with our local employers and industries.
Whether you’re planning further study at university or TAFE, or looking for an apprenticeship or employment, rest assured that our careers team has one of the highest levels of student pathways placement data in the state of Victoria. In essence, this means we make sure every student finds themselves engaged in something productive after they leave Maffra Secondary College. We even follow up with every student six months after leaving, to ensure things are working and to offer further support if needed. It’s at the heart of what we do to ensure every student is successful.
*Enrolment in VCE or VET is depending on each student’s prior achievement to ensure they have the necessary skills to be successful.
Kim Dormer
Senior Years 10,11&12 Team Leader
Mariah Stone
Senior Year 11 Coordinator
Carol Caffrey
Senior Year 12 Coordinator
Heidi Bassler
Year 10 Coordinator
Mark Lomas
Careers Practioner