Parents Committee

Maffra Secondary College is extremely fortunate to be well supported by a small but vibrant group of parents.


Parents Committee meets once a month and is open to any parent wishing to have a greater involvement in their child’s school. The committee has two core focuses – fundraising to support the purchase of key learning resources, and supporting families in times of need. Parents Committee also play a major role in organising the annual Debutante Ball, guide by an appointed teacher coordinator.


All parents are encouraged to consider joining the committee. More information can be obtained by contacting the school on (03) 5147 1790, or the Parents Committee president, Marisa Huts, at


Meetings occur on the third Monday of the month at 5:30pm at the Maffra Community Sport Club.


Dear Parents and Carers,


Welcome and thank you for your interest in being involved in the Maffra Secondary College Parents and Friends Association. I am the current President of the association and look forward to having you on board this year in some way, be it attending a meeting or two, baking for a cake stall, helping on a BBQ or selling some raffle tickets.


The P&F supports your child’s school in raising funds to go towards items around the school. In previous years this includes blinds for classrooms, new ovens for the kitchen, sports equipment, a drone, new digital cameras, a garment steamer and updating technology just to name a few.


The P&F meet on the third Monday of each month in the staff room (excluding public and school holidays). The AGM is in March. This is a very informal setting with the President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer attending. Usually the Principal or Assistant Principal also come along and any parents that join us. You don’t have to be on the committee to be part of P&F. Everyone is welcome.


We appreciate everyone is busy and your time is valuable so we like to keep meetings brief. Past members have the  annual fundraising events well organised for ease in the future. There really isn’t too much involved.


Please, if you have any questions or concerns don’t hesitate to call myself or the office at school.


Thank you again and I look forward to seeing you in person soon.


Kindest Regards

Marisa Huts