Our Student Wellbeing Team consists of a Wellbeing Leader, three Student Counsellors, Secondary School Nurse, a Koorie Liaison Officer and a Mental Health Practitioner/Psychologist.
In addition, we have a Doctors Clinic on site with 2 Doctors available for appointments on a Monday. We partner with Youth Insearch and Headspace to offer extra support to our young people and families. Both of these services operate from our Doctors clinic, referrals are made from our Wellbeing Team and/or the Doctor. We have visiting professionals from the Wellington Student Support Service, including psychologists, speech therapists and social workers – all available to work with students with parental permission. Our team work closely with local paediatricians and other professionals within the community to support student Wellbeing.
Student wellbeing is a support service that is provided to the whole school community. This consists of, but not limited to; one-on-one counselling, working with families, teaching staff, support staff and outside agencies to provide the best possible outcomes for students and families.
A key focus of our team is proactive educational programs including resilience building, anti-bullying, stress and anxiety management, peer group support, cyber safety, mental wellbeing and social media awareness. In conjunction with our Health and PE teachers, we also provide education on nutrition, drug and alcohol issues, sexual education and mental health awareness.
Students may see a member of the Wellbeing Team at recess or lunch time to make an appointment. An appointment will be scheduled on compass for the date and time of an available appointment.
Students can make their own appointments to see a GP via compass.
Relevant External Resources available in the Community
Emily Boyle
Wellbeing Leader
Mitch Hawkins
Student Counsellor
Karen Tenkate
Belinda Stuart